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Updating Master Slider 1.) After you download theme package from Themeforest, Extract the package. 2.) Go to the path, 'Master Slider' or 'Goo ... Updating Revolution Slider 1.) After you download theme package from Themeforest, Extract the package. 2.) Go to the path, 'GoodLayers Plugin' or 'Addi ... Page Builder/Page Editor Broken When editor or page-option is not showing.It often cause of the corrupt media in media library.You may fix this by accessing ... Creating Child Theme To create child theme If you don't want to modify the theme files everytime you update the theme, you have to create the c ...
Adding Instagram icon in the header (Themes in second framework version.) To add instagram social icon in header, please follow our steps below: + First, please download custom file below: https:// ... How to upload the theme via FTP method To upload the theme via FTP method, make sure that you have the access detail such as hosting, username and password. (If you ... How To Update GoodLayers Plugins? (since Flawless Theme) First of all, please note that you can't use this method with Layer Slider, Revolution Slider and Master Slider. *For th ... Bad Authentication Data / Using twitter widget If you see the message 'Bad Authentication Data', just don't be panic. It is because of you haven't filled all required data ...
Can't upload logo When you're having problem with uploading logo(or background), make sure that you click on 'File URL' button before insert it ... Exclude GoodLayers' GDPR Cookie from caching The cookie of GoodLayers' GDPR named : gdlr-core-privacy-settings Please make sure to exclude it if you're using cachin ... Making your site faster with WP Fastest Cache and Autoptimize You can speed up your website by using the plugin WP Fastest Cache Plugin : ... Updating Layer Slider 1. Download the slider via the link provided from us.2. Go to Plugins > Add New and upload the new file.3. Click on Replac ...
Slider Activation Warning After you installed the theme and slider plugin properly, you may still see the warning like these... For Revolution Slider, ... Revoking the licenses *Please note that one license is only valid for one website. When you revoke a license, it means you are discontinuing its us ... Security Concern Here at GoodLayers, we take it really serious about security issue. So, before we launch every of our themes, we will make su ... Where can I get my purchase code? Where can I get my purchase code? If you're submitting ticket without using Envato login, you will need purchase code instea ...
Having problem with one click theme update(Envato Market Plugin) Please try to follow these steps carefully. (Even you already have this key, We still suggest you to create a new one because ... Can't import demo content Because the different in each hosting environment cause the problem with import demo content so sometime it can’t work ... Updating POT file Sometimes, our theme/plugin will update and it will contain new string, so these translation files in older version will not ... Making your site faster with W3 Total Cache plugin You can speed up your website by using the plugin "W3 Total Cache" *Pleas ...
Article Categories
Making your site faster with WP Fastest Cache and Autoptimize
Making your site faster with WP Fastest Cache and Autoptimize
Making your site faster with WP Fastest Cache and Autoptimize
Making your site faster with WP Fastest Cache and Autoptimize
Making your site faster with WP Fastest Cache and Autoptimize
Making your site faster with WP Fastest Cache and Autoptimize
Making your site faster with WP Fastest Cache and Autoptimize
Making your site faster with WP Fastest Cache and Autoptimize
Making your site faster with WP Fastest Cache and Autoptimize
Making your site faster with W3 Total Cache plugin
Making your site faster with WP Fastest Cache and Autoptimize
Where can I get my purchase code?
Making your site faster with WP Fastest Cache and Autoptimize
Making your site faster with W3 Total Cache plugin
Making your site faster with WP Fastest Cache and Autoptimize
Making your site faster with W3 Total Cache plugin
Making your site faster with WP Fastest Cache and Autoptimize
Making your site faster with W3 Total Cache plugin
Server Configuration Requirements
Making your site faster with WP Fastest Cache and Autoptimize
Making your site faster with WP Fastest Cache and Autoptimize
Can not see theme in the list when submitting new ticket?
Translating the theme/plugin using poedit application
Translating the theme/plugin using poedit application
Server Configuration Requirements
how to change text of portfolio info's attributes like "clients, skills, website...." ?
TourPackage Theme - Creating 'Boxed Layout'!
Bad Authentication Data / Using twitter widget
Bad Authentication Data / Using twitter widget
Page Builder/Page Editor Broken
Page Builder/Page Editor Broken
Creating Woocommerce Template For WooCommerce's Sidebar
How to Change Portfolio title to link to specific URL , just same as Thumbnail image ?
Page Builder/Page Editor Broken
Page Builder/Page Editor Broken
Bad Authentication Data / Using twitter widget
Bad Authentication Data / Using twitter widget
Page Builder/Page Editor Broken
Creating Woocommerce Template For WooCommerce's Sidebar
Creating Woocommerce Template For WooCommerce's Sidebar
Bad Authentication Data / Using twitter widget - Grand College
Creating Woocommerce Template For WooCommerce's Sidebar
Bad Authentication Data / Using twitter widget
Bad Authentication Data / Using twitter widget
Translating the theme/plugin using poedit application
How to Link donate now button with other page than donation form ?
How to change currency in donation box ?
How can I change the font size on the menu ?
Translating the theme/plugin using poedit application
Translating the theme/plugin using poedit application
How To Hide Player Status tab on single player page
where i change the value of points compiled for a win for the league table ?
Translating the theme/plugin using poedit application
Translating the theme/plugin using poedit application
Translating the theme/plugin using poedit application
Translating the theme/plugin using poedit application
Adding Instagram icon in the header (Themes in second framework version.)