
Tour Master - Tour Booking, Travel WordPress Plugin

Modifying the enquiry form Edit the files 1.) Go to include/tour-util.php file in tourmaster plugin folder2.) Around line 1195, you'll see list of enquiry form fields. $enquiry_fields = array( 'full-name' => array(     'title' => esc_html__ ...

Updating Tour Master 1. Go to Codecanyon, from your profile page and you will the tab 'Download'. You can download the latest version from there. 2. Unzip the package(All files package) and you will find the file "tourmaster.zip". 3. Go to your ...

Making your site faster with W3 Total Cache plugin You can speed up your website by using the plugin "W3 Total Cache" https://wordpress.org/plugins/w3-total-cache/ *Please note that with this method, it doesn't guarantee that you will get 100% of the score from speed tester ...

Making your site faster with WP Fastest Cache and Autoptimize You can speed up your website by using the plugin  WP Fastest Cache Plugin : https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-fastest-cache/  Autoptimize : https://wordpress.org/plugins/autoptimize/ *Please note that with this method, ...

Slider Activation Warning After you installed the theme and slider plugin properly, you may still see the warning like these... For Revolution Slider, it looks like this :  For Layer Slider, will look like this :  Please note that you ...

Where can I get my purchase code? Where can I get my purchase code? If you're submitting ticket without using Envato login, you will need purchase code instead. Purchase code can be obtained in your Themeforest profile page, click on the tab "Download", from ...