
Rocket Board - Metro Wordpress Theme

To Update Theme * Please make sure that you haven't changed or customize any theme code directly. otherwise, you have to do it again. To update the theme, Make sure that you backup your current theme files if it has been modified (if it's ...

Bad Authentication Data / Using twitter widget If you see the message 'Bad Authentication Data', just don't be panic. It is because of you haven't filled all required data for twitter feed yet. You can easily disable this message by going to admin panel > overall elements ...

Creating Child Theme To create child theme If you don't want to modify the theme files everytime you update the theme, you have to create the child theme to modify the php code for this. You can find the tutorial about how to create the child ...

Creating Woocommerce Template For WooCommerce's Sidebar http://wcdocs.woothemes.com/codex/third-party-cust... On the most part, WooCommerce templates will integrate nicely with most WordPress themes. Where you may run into problems is when the default WooCommerce content wrappers ...

Page Builder/Page Editor Broken When editor or page-option is not showing.It often cause of the corrupt media in media library.You may fix this by accessing to the wp-config.php file using the hosting control panel / ftp editor program ( in the root folder ...

Translating the theme/plugin using poedit application You can download the application here http://poedit.net/

Slider Activation Warning After you installed the theme and slider plugin properly, you may still see the warning like these... For Revolution Slider, it looks like this :  For Layer Slider, will look like this :  Please note that you ...

Where can I get my purchase code? Where can I get my purchase code? If you're submitting ticket without using Envato login, you will need purchase code instead. Purchase code can be obtained in your Themeforest profile page, click on the tab "Download", from ...

Server Configuration Requirements Below is the list of main server setting parameters and the recommended values. If you can't change it by yourself, you must contact your host provider to do it. post_max_size: Sets max size of post data allowed.  post_max ...