
Real Soccer - Sport Clubs Responsive WP Theme

How To Hide Player Status tab on single player page to hide player status : replace your single-player.php file with this one => http://cl.ly/YtHX/download/single-player.phppath of that file is : /wp-content/plugins/goodlayers-soccer/single-player.php:Cheers !

where i change the value of points compiled for a win for the league table ? in include/league-table-item.php file, around line 76, try changing $league_table[get_the_title()]['pts'] = ($league_table[get_the_title()]['overall-win'] * 3) + $league_table[get_the_title()]['overall-draw'];to :$league_tab ...

Translating the theme/plugin using poedit application You can download the application here http://poedit.net/

Adding Instagram icon in the header (Themes in second framework version.) To add instagram social icon in header, please follow our steps below: + First, please download custom file below: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B_H4npZEAp4_RTNzdVVTTkRybVU?usp=sharing + Upload both image in: + ...

Slider Activation Warning After you installed the theme and slider plugin properly, you may still see the warning like these... For Revolution Slider, it looks like this :  For Layer Slider, will look like this :  Please note that you ...

Where can I get my purchase code? Where can I get my purchase code? If you're submitting ticket without using Envato login, you will need purchase code instead. Purchase code can be obtained in your Themeforest profile page, click on the tab "Download", from ...

Server Configuration Requirements Below is the list of main server setting parameters and the recommended values. If you can't change it by yourself, you must contact your host provider to do it. post_max_size: Sets max size of post data allowed.  post_max ...