
Word cutting in middle on blog page

blog page will display number of words that you have set on blog item . but sometime defined limit can cut word in middle of whole word . so to overcome word cutting issue what you can do is change code to manage number of word instead of number of character for this . to do that add following code in your functions.php file (just before ending php tag ?> ) :

function word_count($string, $limit) {
        $words = explode(' ', $string);
        return implode(' ', array_slice($words, 0, $limit));

now edit blog-item.php file (path is : wp-content/themes/themename/include/plugin/blog-item.php) andsearch file for following code : 

echo '
' . mb_substr( get_the_excerpt(), 0, $num_excerpt ) . '

now replace that line with following code : 

echo '
' . word_count(get_the_excerpt(), $num_excerpt) . '

and save file .

now your blog page will display number of words instead of number of character that you have set in your blog item :)