Modernize - Flexibility of Wordpress


1. To Update Theme

2. Blog Widget Equal Height - Modernize

3. Creating Child Theme

4. Page Builder/Page Editor Broken

5. Font Support Cyrillic - Modernize

6. Larger Lightbox(PrettyPhoto) in mobile/tablet

7. Bad Authentication Data / Using twitter widget

8. Updating Layer Slider

9. Change order of personnel posts

10. Full Width Logo in in V3.0+ - Modernize

11. Adding social shares in pages - Modernize

12. Translating the theme/plugin using poedit application

13. Can't upload logo

14. Server Configuration Requirements

15. Where can I get my purchase code?

16. Slider Activation Warning

1. To Update Theme

* Please make sure that you haven't changed or customize any theme code directly. otherwise, you have to do it again.

To update the theme,

Make sure that you backup your current theme files if it has been modified (if it's not, you can ignore this), you can download it and keep locally via FTP method. It's in the path 'wp-content/themes/THEMENAME'

There are two methods for updating the theme.

1. Using one click updater via Envato Market plugin Please follow the guideline from the plugin but if you are getting the problem please try to follow our guideline here : 

2. Manual method... In case that the auto update doesn't work or you don't want to install the Envato Market plugin, we suggest the manual method. 

You need to login to your Themeforest profile page, click on 'download' tab, then download the theme again.

After that,

2.1.) After you downloaded file from Themeforest. Do not upload it yet. Extract it!

2.2.) You will find 6-7 folders and some files inside. You'll see the file called ''

2.3.) Go to 'Appearance > themes' and click 'Add new' button. 

2.4.) Upload '' that you just downloaded from Themeforest through wp backend, click to override the old one and activate the theme.

2.5.) Go to 'appearance > menu' and assign menu to themes location again.

2.6.) Go to Theme option and click 'save changes'.

After you update the theme, please make sure to update the plugins that come with the theme as well. You can follow the instruction below.

To update plugin that comes with our theme.

1.) Make sure that you register the purchase code to your website first (this applies with themes since Infinite) : 

2.) Go to 'GoodLayers > Install Plugins' and you will be able to update plugins from there . (For Revolution Slider, Layer Slider and Maser Slider, we suggest you to back up slider by exporting the slider content first.)

2.) Go to 'Appearance > Install Plugins' section then, install the plugin you want.

3.) Activate the plugin.

*** For 'goodlayers lms' plugin, you have to save the LMS Option once after the plugin is activated as well.

After updating

1.) Make sure that you clear browser's cache as well.

2.) Go to admin panel(theme options) and click 'save changes' once.

3.) If you get 404 error on single post(for any post type), go to permalink, set to default one and then set back to the one you used.

2. Blog Widget Equal Height - Modernize

Going to footer.php file.

at the bottom, try adding this right before the end of the body tag ( </body> ).

<script type="text/javascript">
var max_height = 0;
if( jQuery(this).height() > max_height ) max_height = jQuery(this).height();

3. Creating Child Theme

To create child theme

If you don't want to modify the theme files everytime you update the theme, you have to create the child theme to modify the php code for this. You can find the tutorial about how to create the child theme here

Our theme wrap every function with if( !function_exists('some_function') ) command, so if you want to use any function, just declare it in the function.php file of the child theme and it'll overwrite the existing one.

4. Page Builder/Page Editor Broken

When editor or page-option is not showing.

It often cause of the corrupt media in media library.

You may fix this by accessing to the wp-config.php file using the hosting control panel / ftp editor program ( in the root folder where you install wordpress )

Then try adding this

define('WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT', '1024M');

right after the php tag is opened ( <?php )

If it does not works, you have to remove it out instead.
You can see an example image of the corrupted media here.

*** Try removing only the blank media out ( You may have to remove it 2 – 3 times until it disappear ) ***

5. Font Support Cyrillic - Modernize

To change the google font subset, try going to

include/plugin/fontloader.php file.

Around line 219, you'll see

	// include all used font into the website
	add_action('init', 'include_used_font');
	function include_used_font(){
		if(is_admin()) return;
		global $all_font;
		$google_font_family = '';
		foreach($all_font as $font_name => $font){
				if($font['type'] == 'Cufon'){
					if( $font_name == 'Cufon'){
						wp_register_script($font_name, $font['path'], false, '1.0', false);
						wp_register_script($font_name, $font['path'], false, '1.0', true);
				}else if($font['type'] == 'Google Font'){
					$google_font_family = $google_font_family . str_replace(' ', '+' , $font_name) . ':subset=latin:n,i,b,bi|';
			wp_enqueue_style('Google-Font','' . $google_font_family);

Try to change to

// include all used font into the website
	add_action('init', 'include_used_font');
	function include_used_font(){
		if(is_admin()) return;
		global $all_font;
		$google_font_family = '';
		foreach($all_font as $font_name => $font){
				if($font['type'] == 'Cufon'){
					if( $font_name == 'Cufon'){
						wp_register_script($font_name, $font['path'], false, '1.0', false);
						wp_register_script($font_name, $font['path'], false, '1.0', true);
				}else if($font['type'] == 'Google Font'){
					$temp_font_name = str_replace(' ', '+' , $font_name);
					$google_font_family = $temp_font_name . ':300,300italic,400,400italic,700,700italic&subset=latin';
					wp_enqueue_style('Google-Font-' . $temp_font_name,'' . $google_font_family);

This is an example of the font subset


6. Larger Lightbox(PrettyPhoto) in mobile/tablet

Try to put this code in additional css in admin panel or at the end of style.css

@media only screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 767px) {
	 .pp_pic_holder{ left: 50% !important; width: 400px !important;  margin-left: -200px !important; }
	 div.pp_default .pp_content_container .pp_right{ padding-right: 21px !important; }
	 .pp_content, #pp_full_res img{ width: 100% !important; height: 100% !important; }
	 div.pp_default .pp_content_container .pp_details {margin-top: 20px !important; }

@media only screen and (max-width: 479px) {
	 .pp_pic_holder{ left: 50% !important; width: 300px !important;  margin-left: -150px !important; }
	 div.pp_default .pp_content_container .pp_right{ padding-right: 21px !important; }
	 .pp_content, #pp_full_res img{ width: 100% !important; height: 100% !important; }
	 div.pp_default .pp_content_container .pp_details {margin-top: 20px !important; }

Hope this help :) 

7. Bad Authentication Data / Using twitter widget

If you see the message 'Bad Authentication Data', just don't be panic. It is because of you haven't filled all required data for twitter feed yet. You can easily disable this message by going to admin panel > overall elements > footer/copy right , then turn twitter feature off... But if you're using twitter feed, make sure that you follow these steps :)

Bad Authentication Data / Using twitter widget

1.) New twitter API requires you to setup the application before pulling the feed out. To achieve this, go to

and logging in with your twitter account.

2.) Click create new application

3.) Click to create the access token, then refresh the page.

4.) Fill the data into the widget

5.) Put all info in admin panel 'overall elements > Footer/copyright'(Exist in some themes). And/or in Twitter widget setting.

8. Updating Layer Slider

1. Download the slider via the link provided from us.

2. Go to Plugins > Add New and upload the new file.

3. Click on Replace button.

*In case of things may go wrong, we suggest you to backup the old version of slider first. You may rename the old Layerslider folder to 'Layerslider_old' or you can download to keep in your local computer.

9. Change order of personnel posts

you can sort personnel posts according to title , id , author , and all parameters listed here :

edit this file :


at line number #100 you will see :

query_posts(array('post_type' => 'personnel', 'personnel-category'=>$category, 
       'posts_per_page'=> $num_fetch));

Change that to :

query_posts(array('post_type' => 'personnel', 'personnel-category'=>$category, 
       'posts_per_page'=> $num_fetch,'orderby'=>'title'));

in above code i have added title but you can add any parameter like author , id and others which is listed here

OR if you want to set manual order regardless of above parameter then don't add above code , just use following plugin :

That's all !

10. Full Width Logo in in V3.0+ - Modernize

In this version you can just upload the full size(980px width) of logo in logo upload box in admin panel directly.

But just add this code

div.header-wrapper {
margin: 0px !important;
div.outer-social-wrapper {
position: absolute;
top: 20px;
right: 20px;

in custom css box in admin panel too >

And also make sure that you change logo margin top/bottom to '0' >

And if you see extra space between logo and main navigation, Try to add this code too.

div.logo-wrapper {
line-height: 0px; 
div.navigation-wrapper {
margin-top: -2px;

11. Adding social shares in pages - Modernize

Go to page.php on line about 184-185 and put this code

echo "<div class="social-share-title gdl-link-title gdl-title" style="margin-left: 10px; margin-top: 40px;">";
echo "<h3>Social Shares</h3>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class="clear"></div>";

So you'll see this.

12. Translating the theme/plugin using poedit application

You can download the application here

13. Can't upload logo

When you're having problem with uploading logo(or background), make sure that you click on 'File URL' button before insert it.

Hope this help!

14. Server Configuration Requirements

Below is the list of main server setting parameters and the recommended values. If you can't change it by yourself, you must contact your host provider to do it.

post_max_size: Sets max size of post data allowed. 

post_max_size = 25M 

upload_max_filesize: Sets the maximum size of an uploaded file.

upload_max_filesize = 40M 

max_input_time: Sets the maximum time in seconds a script is allowed to parse input data, like POST and GET 

max_input_time = 300 

max_execution_time: Sets the maximum time in seconds a script is allowed to run before it is terminated by the parser. 

max_execution_time = 300

memory_limit: Sets the maximum amount of memory in bytes that a script is allowed to allocate 

memory_limit = 256M 

max_input_vars: Sets the number of input variables may be accepted 

max_input_vars = 4000

If suhosin patch is installed, change the following parameters to the specified values.

php_value 100 

php_value 128 

php_value 128 

php_value 512 

php_value 2000000 

php_value 5000 

php_value suhosin.request.max_array_depth 100 

php_value suhosin.request.max_array_index_length 128 

php_value suhosin.request.max_name_length 128 

php_value suhosin.request.max_totalname_length 512 

php_value suhosin.request.max_value_length 2000000 

php_value suhosin.request.max_vars 5000

*Your site might not really consume these values but what we recommended is just to make sure that although your site is large, the setting up process will get smooth. You may try to decrease some value if you feel it's too big or you can decrease values after you finish setting up website.

15. Where can I get my purchase code?

Where can I get my purchase code?

If you're submitting ticket without using Envato login, you will need purchase code instead. Purchase code can be obtained in your Themeforest profile page, click on the tab "Download", from the item list, click on the button "Download" of the item and you will see where to get the code. See this 

16. Slider Activation Warning

After you installed the theme and slider plugin properly, you may still see the warning like these...

For Revolution Slider, it looks like this : 

For Layer Slider, will look like this : 

Please note that you can't put the theme's purchase code in that field. It will not work.

The purchase code( or activation code) for slider is not necessary. It's used for auto updater for the slider. However, the slider that's included in this theme is being used as 'Extended license', it's considered as a bonus file which doesn't support auto updater(and their slider templates.). 

If you need to use auto updater, you have to purchase slider's regular license separately. But as we mentioned. It's not necessary, you can still use slider that come with the theme like its' regular license and we still keep pushing slider's update in future theme's version as well ;)