Tour Master - Tour Booking, Travel WordPress Plugin


1. Modifying the enquiry form

2. Where can I get my purchase code?

3. Making your site faster with W3 Total Cache plugin

4. Slider Activation Warning

5. Making your site faster with WP Fastest Cache and Autoptimize

6. Updating Tour Master

1. Modifying the enquiry form

Edit the files

1.) Go to include/tour-util.php file in tourmaster plugin folder
2.) Around line 1195, you'll see list of enquiry form fields.

$enquiry_fields = array( 
'full-name' => array( 
    'title' => esc_html__('Full Name', 'tourmaster'), 
    'type' => 'text', 
    'required' => true ), 
'email-address' => array( 
    'title' => esc_html__('Email Address', 'tourmaster'), 
    'type' => 'text', 
    'required' => true ), 
'your-enquiry' => array( 
    'title' => esc_html__('Your Enquiry', 'tourmaster'), 
    'type' => 'textarea', 
    'required' => true ),

3.) Try adding new field inside the array() as you want. 
4.) The structure will be ( select the "type" as "text" or "textarea" and select the "required" to "true" or "false" )

'FIELD_NAME' => array( 
    'title' => esc_html__('FIELD_TITLE', 'tourmaster'), 
    'type' => 'textarea/text',  
    'required' => true/false ),

Modifying the mail

1.) Go to "Tourmaster plugin option > General > Enquiry E-mail Content" section
2.) use {FIELD_NAME} to replace the word you want with the data user're filling.

Dear {full-name},
You have sumiited an enquiry from {tour-name}
Message: {your-enquiry}
Our team will contact you back via the email you provided, {email-address} 
Thank you!

2. Where can I get my purchase code?

Where can I get my purchase code?

If you're submitting ticket without using Envato login, you will need purchase code instead. Purchase code can be obtained in your Themeforest profile page, click on the tab "Download", from the item list, click on the button "Download" of the item and you will see where to get the code. See this 

3. Making your site faster with W3 Total Cache plugin

You can speed up your website by using the plugin "W3 Total Cache"

*Please note that with this method, it doesn't guarantee that you will get 100% of the score from speed tester. However, the score should improve a lot. The score will depend on image optimization too so you may seek for third party plugin to do image optimization but beware that it might drop your image quality, this is on your decision. And lastly, using CDN might improve your score too but you have to seek for third party service for this. Normally, this is not a free service.

*Please also note that some third party plugins might not work with the minifying setting that we recommend so if it doesn't work, you may skip this setting. But it 100% works with the theme itself. 

Every time you made changes on your website, you should purge the cache too.

Here are the recommend setting from us. 

1. General Setting.

2. Page Cache 

3. Minify

4. Browser Cache

4. Slider Activation Warning

After you installed the theme and slider plugin properly, you may still see the warning like these...

For Revolution Slider, it looks like this : 

For Layer Slider, will look like this : 

Please note that you can't put the theme's purchase code in that field. It will not work.

The purchase code( or activation code) for slider is not necessary. It's used for auto updater for the slider. However, the slider that's included in this theme is being used as 'Extended license', it's considered as a bonus file which doesn't support auto updater(and their slider templates.). 

If you need to use auto updater, you have to purchase slider's regular license separately. But as we mentioned. It's not necessary, you can still use slider that come with the theme like its' regular license and we still keep pushing slider's update in future theme's version as well ;)

5. Making your site faster with WP Fastest Cache and Autoptimize

You can speed up your website by using the plugin 

WP Fastest Cache Plugin : 

Autoptimize :

*Please note that with this method, it doesn't guarantee that you will get 100% of the score from speed tester. However, the score should improve a lot. The score will depend on image optimization too so you may seek for third party plugin to do image optimization but beware that it might drop your image quality, this is on your decision. And lastly, using CDN might improve your score too but you have to seek for third party service for this(You can check out CloudFlare free CDN service).

*Please also note that some third party plugins might not work with the minifying setting that we recommend so if it doesn't work, you may skip this setting. But it 100% works with the theme itself. 

Every time you made changes on your website, you should purge the cache too.

WP Fastest Cache

1. In Setting page, follow these settings.

2. Go to Exclude menu and add a new rule in Exclude Cookie section. 

Select Contain and fill 'Subscriber' in the field. (This to prevent caching when customers login. It will be useful in theme that require membership functionality such as Chariti, Travel Tour, Clever Course..)


In the JS,CSS and HTML tab, follow these settings.

Using CDN?

If you're using CDN, we recommend to leaf the CDN field in Autoptimize empty go to use CDN setting in WP Fastest Cache instead.

6. Updating Tour Master

1. Go to Codecanyon, from your profile page and you will the tab 'Download'. You can download the latest version from there.

2. Unzip the package(All files package) and you will find the file "".

3. Go to your wp dashboard > Plugins > Upload. (Please note that if you customized the plugin's code, you have to do via FTP method to replace file by file. You can see changelog for modified files)

4. Upload the plugin that you download, click to replace the old files and activate it.

5. Go to Setting > Permalink, switch permalink mode to the default one(the top one.) and then switch it back.

6. If the site doesn't work properly, clear browser's cache.